10 wyrażeń frazowych dotyczących zakupów
SHOP AROUND = compare prices before buying QUEUE UP / LINE UP = wait in a line SELL OUT = sell all of the supply that you have of sth TRY ON = put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits TRY OUT = test sth PUT ON = start wearing sth […]
30 wyrażeń frazowych związanych z podróżowaniem
See off = go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone They’ve gone to the airport to see their mother off. Set off = start a journey We set off for Poznań just after 9 am. Get in = arrive (train, plane) The train got in late. Hold up = delay when […]
20 popularnych wyrażeń amerykańskiego slangu
DOPE = very fan, cool LIT = cool SWAG = self-cofident HOMIE = friend HOT = attractive COOL = great, fantastic GO BANANA = go crazy SICK = cool BADASS = very cool KIKS = shoes CRASH = sleep BEAT = to win MY BAD = my mistake BUCK = dollar PISSED OFF = very […]
10 idiomów ze słowem FISH
BIG FISH – an important person Talk to Patrick. He’s the big fish in the organization. He can help you get things done. COLD FISH – a person who is unfriendly and unemotional We decided not to hire Anna because she came across like a cold fish during the interview. BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND – […]
In The Time Of Pandemic – And the People Stayed Home Poem
And the people stayed home. And read books and listened, and rested and exercised, and made art and played games, and learned new ways of being and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, […]
Jesienne słownictwo w 10 angielskich idiomach
Autumn years – it is often used to refer to the later years in someone’s life In his autumn years, John was able to enjoy his garden a lot more. Turn into a pumpkin – means to go to bed or return home because it’s late at night Can I leave now please. I’m turning into a […]
10 sposobów parafrazowania w języku angielskim
To paraphrase, … Basically, … In a nutshell, … To put it another way, … What it all boils down to is… To sum up (then)… In other words, … What this means is (that)… Put it this way… Look at it this way… Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe? […]
10 angielskich wyrażeń określających zimną pogodę
It’s freezing outside! It’s a bit chilly. Wrap up warm. It’s cold. It’s Arctic out there. It’s quite fresh – take a jumper. You can see your breath in the air. It’s below zero. It must be minus five or more. It’s pretty frosty today. My car’s iced up, it’s that cold. Intensywny kurs […]
20 polite English phrases
I’d/we’d be delighted – used for politely accepting an invitation, or agreeing or offering to do something no disrespect (to) – used before you say something that might offend someone, to show that you do not intend to offend them do you mind? – phrase used for getting someone’s permission to do something. This can either be polite, impolite, or humorous. If someone says it in a loud way, they are showing that they […]
10 wyrażeń dotyczących edukacji
a bookworm – a person unusually devoted to reading and study She was always a bookworm when she was a kid. to draw a blank – to fail to get an answer or a result He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank – I just couldn’t remember it. a copycat – someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone […]