angielskie idiomy


10 PROVERBS, czyli 10 przysłów po angielsku

TIME IS MONEY  =  CZAS TO PIENIĄDZ „Hurry up! Time is money!” PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT  = PRAKTYKA CZYNI MISTRZA “Don’t give up on learning the violin. Practice makes perfect.” THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM  =  KTO WCZEŚNIE WSTAJE, TEMU PAN BÓG DAJE “I got to the ticket office before anyone else. I got front […]

By Just Speak | Blog

15 angielskich wyrażeń ze słowem TIME

  ONLY A MATTER OF TIME = to kwestia czasu The company has lost money for the second year in a row; it’s only a matter of time before it goes bankrupt. TIME WILL TELL = czas pokaże “I was surprised that John and Anna got married. Do you think they’ll be happy together?” “Only time will tell.“ A RACE […]

By Just Speak | Blog

7 angielskich idiomów ze słowem DAY

TO CALL IT A DAY – mówimy, kiedy decydujemy się zakończyć pracę i mamy wolne do końca dnia We’ve gotten a lot done. Let’s CALL IT A DAY. AS NIGHT AND DAY – mówimy o osobach będących swoimi przeciwnościami My brother and I are as different AS NIGHT AND DAY. I’m very organized, and he’s super spontaneous. […]

By Just Speak | Blog