10 wyrażeń, które usłyszysz od przewodnika wycieczki

10 wyrażeń, które usłyszysz od przewodnika wycieczki

  • travel light
    Please travel light tomorrow. We have a lot of walking to do.
  • hit the road
    We’ll hit the road as soon as the bus driver arrives.
  • off track / off the beaten path
    Don’t go off track. There are some dangerous areas in this city.
  • watch your back
    Keep your wallet in a safe place and watch your back on the subway.
  • call it a day
    You all look tired. Let’s call it a day.
  • get a move on
    We’ll need to get a move on if we want to catch the five o’clock bus.
  • a full plate
    We have a full plate tomorrow, so get a good rest tonight.
  • bright and early / first thing
    We’ll need to leave bright and early to catch the first ferry.
  • hang on / hang tight
    Please hang tight until the driver returns.
  • if worse comes to worst / if all else fails…
    If worse comes to worst, call the police.

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