Komplement po angielsku

Komplement po angielsku

Komplementy mają niezwykła moc – ekspresowo poprawiają humor, więc korzystajmy z tego i obdarzajmy nimi nie tylko naszych rozmówców, ale i siebie samych! Komplement nic nie kosztuje i ma 0 kalorii! Oto lista komplementów, które warto znać w języku angielskim:


You look fetching!  Wyglądasz kusząco!

Someone who makes you want to touch them, be near them and simply spend time with them can be suited by this word, which means you are drawn to them.

For example: “She looks so fetching in that skirt.”


You are so sensuous!  Jesteś taka zmysłowa!

Usually meant to describe a woman, this word means someone who can seduce you with a glance – but doesn’t necessarily know that she can. Being sensuous usually comes very naturally.

For example: “Anna has no idea how sensuous she is.”


You look striking!  Wyglądasz porażająco!

Someone who gets your attention due to almost shocking beauty and poise can be considered striking.

For example: “I didn’t notice her until she looked at me, her striking eyes just did me in.”


You look stunning!  Wyglądasz oszałamiająco!

We’ve all met someone who is simply gorgeous, so pretty or handsome that there are few words to describe them. This word does!

For example: “He is stunning in that new suit.”


You are so elegant!  Jesteś niezwykle elegancka!

Someone who moves very smoothly, has a perfect smile and makes everyone feel as though they are floating on air could be considered elegant.

For example: “Maria is such an elegant woman – she glides across a room!”


You are breathtaking!  Zapierasz dech w piesi!

When someone literally makes your heart pound and takes your breath away, this word describes what they do to you with their simple presence.

For example: “You are breathtaking, my dear.”


You look wondrous!  Wyglądasz cudownie!

When someone is absolutely wonderful in every way, ‘wondrous’ is a word that tries to encompass all the good things they are.

For example: “I have a wondrous relationship with John…I’m so lucky.”


You are so charming!  Jesteś niezwykle czarująca!

When someone is charming, they are very likeable, to the point of getting everyone’s attention in a positive way.

For example: “He’s a regular Prince Charming!”


You are so unique!  Jesteś wyjątkowa!

Someone who is unique is often sought after by others because they are so different, in a wildly creative and quirky way. This is a huge compliment!

For example: “Joanna is so unique that she keeps me on my toes.”


You look enticing!  Wyglądasz kusząco!

This word means someone is very interesting or attractive.

For example: “The way Kate looks is very enticing.”


You are such an angelic woman!  Jesteś kobietą-aniołem!

A person who does very good things in life and makes day-to-day things easier for others might be considered an angel.

For example: “She is such an angelic woman. What would we do without her?”


You are very refined woman!  Jesteś bardzo dystyngowaną kobietą!

Someone who is very classy, put-together and sophisticated might be considered refined.

For example: “She is a very refined woman who was obviously raised well.”


You are so lovely!  Jesteś cudowna!

When someone has beautiful skin, gorgeous hair, pretty eyes and other attributes that make them special to you, they could be considered lovely. This includes anyone who suits your fancy, even if they are not conventionally pretty.

For example: “This woman is so lovely, she just takes my breath away.”


You are amazing!  Jesteś niesamowaita!

When you are simply astounded by everything someone does, and it seems like they can do no wrong, they are often considered amazing.

For example: “His ability to get anything done is just amazing to me.”


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Nauka angielskiego podczas wakacji letnich dla Twojego dziecka?- JustSpeak Junior Program
 Obóz językowy dla młodzieży? – JustSpeak Youth Program