intenesywne konwersacje z native speakerem


Key verb – LOOK

look back on sth – think about sth in your past Do you look back on your childwood as the happiest time of your life? look on the bright side – be cheerful or positive about a bad situation Do you look on the bright side when you’re in a difficult situation? look up to […]

By Just Speak | Blog

10 verb-based idioms

caught the sun – sb’s face has become red or brown from being in the sun He’s really caught the sun. laying the table – putting knives, forks, etc. on the table for a meal She’s laying the table. stretch sb’s legs – go for a short walk after sitting for some time I need […]

By Just Speak | Blog

Komplement po angielsku

Komplementy mają niezwykła moc – ekspresowo poprawiają humor, więc korzystajmy z tego i obdarzajmy nimi nie tylko naszych rozmówców, ale i siebie samych! Komplement nic nie kosztuje i ma 0 kalorii! Oto lista komplementów, które warto znać w języku angielskim:   You look fetching!  Wyglądasz kusząco! Someone who makes you want to touch them, be near […]

By JustSpeak | Bez kategorii . Blog