Tęsknię za Tobą – jak powiedzieć po angielsku na 15 sposobów ?

Tęsknię za Tobą – jak powiedzieć po angielsku na 15 sposobów ?

I can’t wait to see you again.

I wish you were here.

I’ve been thinking of you.

I hope I see you again.

I’m counting the days until I see you again.

I can’t stop thinking about you.

All I do is think about you.

You have been running through my head all night.

I can’t wait to see your beautiful face.

I miss you so much it hurts.

I can’t wait to be with you again.

I think of you night and day.

I can’t wait to be with you again.

I can’t work because all i do is think of you.

I think about you all the time.

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