30 Classroom Phrases

 30 Classroom Phrases

Here’s a list of some basic phrases commonly used in classrooms:
• Sit down, please.
• Stand up, please.
• Open your books to page [number].
• Close your books.
• Raise your hand if you have a question.
• Pay attention, please.
• Listen carefully.
• Repeat after me.
• Speak louder, please.
• Be quiet, please.
• Work in pairs/groups.
• Work individually.
• Pass your homework to the front, please.
• Take out a piece of paper.
• Write your name at the top of the page.
• Write the date on the board.
• Erase the board, please.
• Turn off your phones.
• Put away your phones.
• Line up at the door.
• Come to the front of the class.
• Go to your seats.
• Can I go to the bathroom?
• May I sharpen my pencil?
• Can I borrow a pen?
• I don’t understand.
• Can you repeat that, please?
• How do you spell [word]?
• What does [word] mean?
• Time’s up.