5 angielskich idiomów dotyczących lata
Dog Days – the hottest days of the summer. These are the days that are so hot, you don’t have the energy to do anything but sit. These are also periods of time when nothing is really happening.
I wish I could go home from work early today. It’s impossible to get any work done during these dog days of summer!
Soak Up Some Sun – to lie in the sun and enjoy the sun’s rays on your skin
I can’t wait to get away and soak up some sun on the beach next week! It’s the perfect way to relax during a summer vacation.
Like Watching Grass Grow – sth is super boring
It’s been raining all week and there’s nothing to do! This summer is like watching grass grow.
Social Butterfly – someone who likes to be around people, who likes the company of others. This is someone who loves talking to everyone at the party and can do so easily, moving from one person to the next.
Mark is such a social butterfly! He’s out every night of the week and knows everyone in this city.
Summer Fling – is a short romance or dating relationship during the summer period; it’s a romance that isn’t meant to be serious or long-term.
I can’t believe Anna’s a teenager already! She had her first summer fling with a boy from summer camp but thankfully it wasn’t too serious. I’m not ready for her to grow up so fast!
Letni kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź!
Letni obóz językowy dla dzieci – Sprawdź!
Letni obóz językowy dla młodzieży – Sprawdź!
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