Receiving Phone Calls at Work
czyli odbieranie telefonów w pracy
Answering the phone Odbieranie telefonu
- Company ABC, this is Mike. How may I help you?
- Good morning/afternoon, Company ABC. How may I help you?
- Purchasing department, Frank speaking.
Getting the name of the caller if he/she doesn’t give it to you Zapytanie o nazwisko rozmówcy
- May I have your name please?
- Who am I speaking with?
- May I ask who’s calling?
Responding to a caller’s request Odpowiedź na zapytanie
- Sure, let me check on that.
- Let me see if she’s available.
- Sure, one moment please.
Asking someone to wait on the line Proszę poczekać…
- Can I put you on hold for a minute?
- Do you mind holding while I check on that (or “handle that for you,” “check to see if he’s available,” etc)
Taking a message Wiadomość do przekazania
- He’s/she’s not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
- He’s/she’s out of the office right now. Can I take a message?
Dealing with bad connections Gdy nie słyszymy rozmówcy
- I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you give me your number and I’ll call you right back?
- I think we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?
- I’m sorry, could you repeat that?
Dealing with wrong numbers Pomyłka
- I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.
Ending the call Zakończenie rozmowy
- Is there anything else I can help you with?….Okay, thanks for calling. Have a great day.
- Is there anything else I can do for you?…Okay, have a good day.
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