BREAK – 5 wyrażeń frazowych

BREAK – 5 wyrażeń frazowych

włamać się, wejść do pomieszczenia nielegalnie

  • In my opinion having an alarm system discourages people from breaking in.
  • Someone broke into the museum last night and stole the painting.

BREAK OUT – ucieć

  • Five criminals managed to break out, but they were quickly caught by the police.

mówiąc o problemach skórnych, tj. wypryski czy wysypka

  • After he touched the poisonous plant, a rash broke out all over his arms.
  • My teenage daughter doesn’t want to take any pictures because she’s breaking out. (= she has pimples on her face)

nieformalnie – w odniesieniu do użycia czegoś co jest już gotowe do użycia

  • We won the championship! Let’s break out the champagne!(= bring the champagne here and get it ready so we can drink it)

BREAK UP  – zerwać w odniesieniu do relacji

  • Anna felt like her boyfriend never gave her much attention, so she broke up with him.
  • It’s surprising that they would break up so suddenly after a ten-year relationship.

BREAK DOWN – kiedy coś się zepsuje

  • Our car broke down when we were an hour outside the city.
  • I hope this old elevator doesn’t break down – I’d hate to be stuck inside it!

kiedy ktoś nagle popada w zdenerwowanie/załamanie psychiczne

  • All the stress of my job made me break down and start crying at work.

BREAK THROUGH – kiedy mówimy o nagłej zmianie /przełomie w sytuacji

  • My therapist suggested a few ways to break through my depression.
  • After a rainy day, the sun finally broke through the clouds in the afternoon.

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