Money – useful vocabulary
borrow money – to take money from someone (pożyczyć pieniądze od kogoś)
I think, he wants to borrow money.
lend money – to give money to someone (pożyczyć pieniądze komuś)
This is the gentleman who lent the money to John.
pay back – to return money owed to someone (oddać pożyczone pieniądze)
How long is it going to take you to pay that money back?
pay off – to finish paying all money that is owed (spłacić ostatecznie pożyczone pieniądze)
He needed to make some money to pay off some debt.
save up – to keep money for a large expense in the future (oszczędzać na większe wydatki)
It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.
put aside – to save money for a specific purpose (odłożyć pieniądze na specjalny cel)
I put aside a little cash for an emergency.
money doesn’t grow on trees – money doesn’t come easily
If you want to buy a new Smartphone, you will need to find a job and save up for it. Money doesn’t grow on trees – you will appreciate something more if you have worked for it!
I’m not made of money – to not have a lot of money
I can’t lend you twenty pounds. I’m not made of money.
time is money – time is valuable so don’t waste it
I can’t afford to spend a lot of time standing here talking. Time is money.
beyond one’s means – more than one can afford
A second vacation this year is well beyond our means.
to cost an arm and a leg – to cost a lot of money
I’d love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg.
flat broke – to have no money at all
Two years later she is flat broke and on the dole.
foot the bill – to pay for something
Her mother agreed to foot (=pay) the bill.
Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe?