Questions in English, czyli pytania po angielsku
Aby w prosty sposób tworzyć pytania w języku angielskim – warto zapmiętać formułę o nazwie QUASM QUestion word, czyli słowko pytające Auxiliary verb, czyli czasownik pomocniczy Subject, czyli podmiot Main verb, czyli czasownik główny A oto przykłady tworzenia pytań z wykorzystaniem formuły QUASM w poszczególnych czasach SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTIONS QUESTION WORD AUXILIARY VERB SUBJECT MAIN VERB […]
Jak uzasadnić fakt, czyli 10 przydatnych słów
Because – ponieważ I agree with you because you are completely right. Thus – tak więc Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented. It is late, and thus you must go. So – a więc She is not satisfied with our work, so we must prepare a new proposal. Thereby – tym samym He broke all the rules and thereby, he was expelled. Therefore – […]
Postanowienia Noworoczne, czyli New Year’s Resolutions
Phrases used to talk about plans and intentions for the future: I’M GOING TO… I’m going to spend more time with my family. I’M NOT GOING TO… I’m not going to work so much. I’M PLANNING TO… I’m planning to visit Paris in July. I HOPE TO… I hope to read more books this year. […]
Angielski slang – 10 najpopularniejszych słów
GONNA = going to I am going to do that right now. → I am gonna do that right now. WANNA = want to I want to tell you … → I wanna tell you… GOTTA = got to/have to I have to go now. → I gotta go now. GIMMIE = give me Give me my toy! → […]
25 sposobów, aby wyrazić opinię po angielsku
I would say that – powiedziałbym, że I would say that such a view is unacceptable. It seems to me that – wydaje mi się, że It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove. In my opinion – moim zdaniem In my opinion, it is not worth its price. I am of the opinion that – […]
ESPECIALLY is used when something stands out from all the others (similar to the meaning of particularly) The whole film was terrible – especially the ending. He loves animals, especially cats. I can’t wait for the trip to California. I’m especially looking forward to seeing Los Angeles. ESPECIALLY can also be used before an adjective with a meaning like very or extremely It’s especially important to arrive […]
Key verb – TAKE
take sb off – copy the way sb speaks or behaves, to entertain people She’s really good at taking people off. take notice of sb – pay (no) attention to what sb says Take no notice of those troublemakers, they’re only trying to provoke you. take (time) off – have a particular amount of time away from work I asked my boss if I could take a […]
Key verb – LOOK
look back on sth – think about sth in your past Do you look back on your childwood as the happiest time of your life? look on the bright side – be cheerful or positive about a bad situation Do you look on the bright side when you’re in a difficult situation? look up to […]
10 verb-based idioms
caught the sun – sb’s face has become red or brown from being in the sun He’s really caught the sun. laying the table – putting knives, forks, etc. on the table for a meal She’s laying the table. stretch sb’s legs – go for a short walk after sitting for some time I need […]
Money – useful vocabulary
borrow money – to take money from someone (pożyczyć pieniądze od kogoś) I think, he wants to borrow money. lend money – to give money to someone (pożyczyć pieniądze komuś) This is the gentleman who lent the money to John. pay back – to return money owed to someone (oddać pożyczone pieniądze) How long is it going to take you to […]