10 angielskich wyrażeń określających zimną pogodę
❄️ It’s freezing outside! ❄️ It’s a bit chilly. Wrap up warm. ❄️ It’s cold. ❄️ It’s Arctic out there. ❄️ It’s quite fresh – take a jumper. ❄️ You can see your breath in the air. ❄️ It’s below zero. ❄️ It must be minus five or more. ❄️ It’s pretty frosty today. […]
Winter, cold, ice? Poznaj niestandardowe słownictwo i idiomy!
black ice – a very thin coating of ice found on roads and sidewalks that is difficult to see, and therefore quite dangerous Example: Today the black ice on nearby street caused 4 car accidents. a cold snap – a sudden short period of very cold weather Example: Poland is experiencing a very cold snap at the moment. […]