Suprstitions, czyli przesądy po angielsku ;)
Have you ever wonder what the big deal is about this date? We did 😊 It turns out the history of Friday the 13th is complicated. There are superstitions about Friday, superstitions about the number 13-which together seem to create the fear of Friday the 13th. Unsurprisingly, we are not exactly sure of the historical […]
30 Classroom Phrases
Here’s a list of some basic phrases commonly used in classrooms: • Sit down, please. • Stand up, please. • Open your books to page [number]. • Close your books. • Raise your hand if you have a question. • Pay attention, please. • Listen carefully. • Repeat after me. • Speak louder, please. • […]
20 commonly used Teen Slang Words and Phrases
20 commonly used Teen Slang Words and Phrases GOAT means greatest of all time Example: „Jennifer Lopez is the GOAT.” Fam means best friend or family. It is similar to saying dude, bro, or bestie Example: „Sorry fam I can’t hang out later.” Bae means boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone very much loved by the person Example: „Marta […]
10 sposobów parafrazowania w języku angielskim
To paraphrase, … Basically, … In a nutshell, … To put it another way, … What it all boils down to is… To sum up (then)… In other words, … What this means is (that)… Put it this way… Look at it this way… Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe? […]
10 angielskich wyrażeń określających zimną pogodę
It’s freezing outside! It’s a bit chilly. Wrap up warm. It’s cold. It’s Arctic out there. It’s quite fresh – take a jumper. You can see your breath in the air. It’s below zero. It must be minus five or more. It’s pretty frosty today. My car’s iced up, it’s that cold. Intensywny kurs […]
20 polite English phrases
I’d/we’d be delighted – used for politely accepting an invitation, or agreeing or offering to do something no disrespect (to) – used before you say something that might offend someone, to show that you do not intend to offend them do you mind? – phrase used for getting someone’s permission to do something. This can either be polite, impolite, or humorous. If someone says it in a loud way, they are showing that they […]
10 wyrażeń dotyczących edukacji
a bookworm – a person unusually devoted to reading and study She was always a bookworm when she was a kid. to draw a blank – to fail to get an answer or a result He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank – I just couldn’t remember it. a copycat – someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone […]
CZEŚĆ po angielsku, czyli 15 wyrażeń zastępujących HELLO!
Hi there Greetings Hey, what’s up? Howdy Morning/Afternoon/Evening Hey! How are you? Long time, no see Nice to see you Good to see you Great to see you How’s it going? Nice to meet you Look who it is! Hey! There she/he is Intensywny kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla […]
5 sposobów, aby życzyć HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Many happy returns! I wish you a wonderful birthday! Have a great one! I wish you all the best on your special day! Have a fabulous birthday! Intensywny kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla młodzieży – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla dzieci – Sprawdź! Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego […]