Angielski slang – 10 najpopularniejszych słów
GONNA = going to
I am going to do that right now. → I am gonna do that right now.
WANNA = want to
I want to tell you … → I wanna tell you…
GOTTA = got to/have to
I have to go now. → I gotta go now.
GIMMIE = give me
Give me my toy! → Gimme my toy!
LEMME = let me
Let me do it! → Lemme do it!
I’MA = I’m going to
I am going to leave now. → I’ma leave now.
OUTTA = out of
We got this boat out of the port there near New Bedford. → We got this boat outta the port there near New Bedford.
KINDA = kind of
What kind of music do you like? → What kinda music do you like?
DUNNO = don’t know
I don’t know what to say. → I dunno what to say.
SHOULDA = should have
You should have done it. → You shoulda done it.
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