BIG & LITTLE – czyli jak powiedzieć inaczej DUŻY i MAŁY
GIANT gigantyczny A giant, fat cat was sitting in the garden. |
MINIATURE miniaturowy The cathedral of St Catherine is a miniature copy of that at Constantinople. |
HUGE olbrzymi His eyes looked huge when he was scared. |
SMALL mały It’s a very small window. |
LARGE duży His large eyes were bright and snappy. |
TINY malutki We are a tiny dot of life suspended in a nearly infinite universe. |
COLLOSAL kolosalny Yesterday I got a collosal amount of mail. |
SKIMPY kusy, skąpy She was wearing something more skimpy than this. |
BULKY gruby, masywny He was tiny compared to Tony’s bulky build. |
MICROSCOPIC mikroskopijny The only motion in the air was that of the dripping, microscopic particles of drizzling mist. |
MASSIVE masywny Maple trees are usually massive. |
ITSY-BITSY maleńki Just between me and you, our itsy-bitsy little secret. |
ENORMOUS ogromny She has enormous blue eyes. |
WEE maleńki She was playing on the pier with a wee brother. |
Letni kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź!
Letni obóz językowy dla dzieci – Sprawdź!
Letni obóz językowy dla młodzieży – Sprawdź!
Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe?