Jak uzasadnić fakt, czyli 10 przydatnych słów

Jak uzasadnić fakt, czyli 10 przydatnych słów


Because – ponieważ
I agree with you because you are completely right.

Thus – tak więc 
Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented.
It is late, and thus you must go.

So – a więc
She is not satisfied with our work, so we must prepare a new proposal.

Thereby – tym samym
He broke all the rules and thereby, he was expelled.

Therefore – dlatego (też)

Profits, therefore, were down last time.

Since – ponieważ 
 I decided to write it since I was asked to do so.

As – gdyż
As you always come too late, I decided not to wait for you.

Accordingly – z tego powodu/w związku z tym
He won the election and accordingly he became a chairman.

In consequence – w konsekwencji
A trial was held in consequence of the investigation.

Hence – stąd, w związku z tym, dlatego też
He had excellent skills and hence they employed him.

 się więcej:

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