Key verb – TAKE
take sb off – copy the way sb speaks or behaves, to entertain people
She’s really good at taking people off.
take notice of sb – pay (no) attention to what sb says
Take no notice of those troublemakers, they’re only trying to provoke you.
take (time) off – have a particular amount of time away from work
I asked my boss if I could take a day off to go to a funeral.
be taken aback – be shocked or surprised
All of us were a bit taken aback to learn that John was moving to Germany next month.
take your life in your hands – put yourself in danger (usually of death)
Every time you go parachuting you’re taking your life in your hands.
take things easy – to relax and not work too hard
My doctor told me to take things easy for a while.
take it or leave it – used to say that you do not care if sb accepts your offer or not
I’ll give you $140 for the bike – take it or leave it.
not take sth lying down – not accept a bad situation without a fight or protest
He can’t treat you like that! Surely you’re not going to take that lying down!
take sb against – begin to dislike someone
I think she took against me when I got the promotion she wanted.
take care of yourself – used when saying goodbye to someone
– Bye, Anna.
– Goodbye John, take care.
take care of yourself – take care of your health and get well
– I’m sorry you’re ill.
– Oh, it’s nothing.
– Well, take care of yourself.
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