HAPPY & SAD – jak inaczej wyrazić szczęście i smutek po angielsku
HAPPY 🙂 SAD 🙁 DELIGHTED zachwycony They are delighted with their new car. TROUBLED zatroskany You look troubled. PLEASED zadowolony I’m pleased to be back in Poland. UNHAPPY nieszczęśliwy He was unhappy about something. CHEERFUL wesoły, radosny I’m not feeling very cheerful today. GRUMPY zrzędny He is a grumpy old man. JOLYY wesoły We had a jolly evening. GLOOMY posępny She was gloomy and absent-minded. GLAD zadowolony I’m so glad to see you. DISTRESSED zrozpaczaony I […]
Discussion and Debate – 50 useful expressions
Giving an Opinion In my opinion… I think… The way I see it… According to… As far as I’m concerned… Asking for an Opinion What do you think? Do you agree? What are your thoughts on this? Agreeing I completely agree. (strong) You’re absolutely right. (strong) I couldn’t agree more. (strong) Exactly. You’re right. I agree. I guess […]
SEE – useful phrases
I’ll see what I can do – used to say 'I’ll try to help’ -I need more help with the dogs. -OK. I’ll see what I can do, but I’ve to go now. See you later. you see – used when you are explaining sth I don’t see why not – used to say 'Yes’ […]
Xmas Wishes&Greetings
TRADYCYJNE ŻYCZENIA May this Christmas season bring you closer to all those that you treasure in your heart. Have a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the magic of Christmas gladden your heart with the joys of the season. May the spirit of Christmas bless you with greater strength. May the promise of […]
Zarówno w korespondencji mailowej, jak i w rozmowach online często używane są skróty angielskie (tzw.abbreviations) – warto wiedzieć co oznaczają. Oto lista 30 najczęściej używanych: 4U (for you) – dla ciebie CU (see you) – trzymaj się/do zobaczenia G2G (got to go) – muszę iść W8 (wait) – czekaj BRB (be right back) – zaraz wrócę IMO […]
Lista 300 najczęściej używanych słów w języku angielskim
czyli słów które stanowią około 65% codziennej komunikacji w tym języku. Sprawdź czy je znasz 🙂 1 the 61 word 121 them 181 than 241 good 2 name 62 well 122 need 182 food 242 night 3 of 63 but 123 write 183 call 243 me 4 very 64 also 124 house 184 sun 244 […]
Haunted Halloween Vocabulary
czyli 20 najważniejszych angielskich słówek związanych z Halloween All Hallows Eve – Another term for Halloween (October 31), and the day before All Hallows Day on Nov. 1. In ancient times, the Celtic people celebrated the end of summer on All Hallows Eve. Pumpkin – A type of vegetable that is eaten at Halloween and used […]
Punctuation Marks, czyli znaki interpunkcyjne po angielsku
SYMBOL NAME USE . Full stop (UK) Period (USA) Shows the end of a sentence , Comma Separates the parts of the same sentence ? Question mark Used after a direct question ! Exclamation mark Usually informal, used after an order, an exclamation or something surprising : Colon Introduces a list or further information ; […]