Świąteczne słówka po angielsku
Advent – the coming of Jesus Christ; the month leading up to Christmas Angel – a spiritual being who is believed to be a servant of God, usually represented as a human dressed in white with wings Antler – the horn that grows on the head of male deer Bauble – a shiny small ball […]
Silent night
Silent night, holy night! All is calm, all is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child. Holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia, Christ the Savior is born! Christ the […]
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in United States and the second Monday of October in Canada. This celebration is to give thanks for all the good things in life. The story about the first Thanksgiving Day In 1620, 102 people sailed from England to North America on a small ship called […]
30 wyrażeń frazowych związanych z podróżowaniem
See off = go to the airport or station to say goodbye to someone They’ve gone to the airport to see their mother off. Set off = start a journey We set off for Poznań just after 9 am. Get in = arrive (train, plane) The train got in late. Hold up = delay when […]
In The Time Of Pandemic – And the People Stayed Home Poem
And the people stayed home. And read books and listened, and rested and exercised, and made art and played games, and learned new ways of being and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, […]
10 sposobów parafrazowania w języku angielskim
To paraphrase, … Basically, … In a nutshell, … To put it another way, … What it all boils down to is… To sum up (then)… In other words, … What this means is (that)… Put it this way… Look at it this way… Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe? […]
10 wyrażeń dotyczących edukacji
a bookworm – a person unusually devoted to reading and study She was always a bookworm when she was a kid. to draw a blank – to fail to get an answer or a result He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank – I just couldn’t remember it. a copycat – someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone […]
7 sposobów, aby powiedzieć GOOD LUCK !
Best of luck! Fingers crossed! I hope it all goes well Blow them away! Break a leg! You will do great! I hope things turn out fine. Intensywny kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla młodzieży – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla dzieci – Sprawdź! Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – […]
Obie formy, tj. my friend oraz a friend of mine mają to samo znaczenie i określają po prostu osobę będącą naszym przyjacielem. my friend to forma, która sugeruje bliższą relację z daną osobą a friend of mine jest formą mniej spersonalizowaną Oto przykłady: My friend Anna lives in Warsaw. A friend of mine from college lives in Cracow. W […]
Easter Greetings, czyli jak napisać życzenia wielkanocne po angielsku
’Wishing you a very Happy Easter that is filled with plenty of love and happiness.’ ’I hope this Easter holiday fills your home with peace, joy, and plenty of colorful Easter eggs.’ ’May you feel the hope of new beginnings, love and happiness during this joyful Easter holiday.’ ’Easter symbolizes the renewal of life. I […]