Jesienne słownictwo w 10 angielskich idiomach
Autumn years – it is often used to refer to the later years in someone’s life In his autumn years, John was able to enjoy his garden a lot more. Turn into a pumpkin – means to go to bed or return home because it’s late at night Can I leave now please. I’m turning into a […]
10 sposobów parafrazowania w języku angielskim
To paraphrase, … Basically, … In a nutshell, … To put it another way, … What it all boils down to is… To sum up (then)… In other words, … What this means is (that)… Put it this way… Look at it this way… Intensywny, skuteczny, zindywidualizowany kurs angielskiego – czy to możliwe? […]
10 angielskich wyrażeń określających zimną pogodę
❄️ It’s freezing outside! ❄️ It’s a bit chilly. Wrap up warm. ❄️ It’s cold. ❄️ It’s Arctic out there. ❄️ It’s quite fresh – take a jumper. ❄️ You can see your breath in the air. ❄️ It’s below zero. ❄️ It must be minus five or more. ❄️ It’s pretty frosty today. […]
20 polite English phrases
I’d/we’d be delighted – used for politely accepting an invitation, or agreeing or offering to do something no disrespect (to) – used before you say something that might offend someone, to show that you do not intend to offend them do you mind? – phrase used for getting someone’s permission to do something. This can either be polite, impolite, or humorous. If someone says it in a loud way, they are showing that they […]
CZEŚĆ po angielsku, czyli 15 wyrażeń zastępujących HELLO!
Hi there Greetings Hey, what’s up? Howdy Morning/Afternoon/Evening Hey! How are you? Long time, no see Nice to see you Good to see you Great to see you How’s it going? Nice to meet you Look who it is! Hey! There she/he is Intensywny kurs angielskiego dla dorosłych? – Sprawdź! Letnie obozy językowe dla […]
Wakacyjne podróże – 25 przydatnych wyrażeń
all-in package/package holiday – a holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation together breathtaking view – an extremely beautiful view charter-flight – a cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight check-in desk – the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage departure lounge – where you wait for your flight […]
Lista 100 najczęściej używanych rzeczowników niepoliczalnych
advice air alcohol art beef blood butter cheese chewing gum chocolate coffee confusion cotton education electricity entertainment experience fiction flour food forgiveness fresh air furniture gold grass ground happiness history homework honey hope ice information jam juice knowledge lamb lightning literature love luck luggage meat milk mist money music news noise oil oxygen paper patience […]
10 angielskich zdań, które usłyszysz na lotnisku
What is the purpose of your trip? Jaki jest cel Pańskiej podróży? Did you pack this bag yourself? Czy spakował Pan bagaż osobiście? Please do not leave any bags unattended. Prosimy, aby nie pozostawiać bagażu bez opieki. Do you have anything to declare? Czy ma Pan cokolwiek do zadeklarowania? Flight BA333 to Warsaw is […]
Happiness, czyli 5 cytatów opisujących szczęście
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ― Dalai Lama XIV “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are […]
Tak samo, a jednak inaczej – sprawdź 8 angielskich czasowników
Niektóre czasowniki w języku angielskim teoretycznie oznaczają to samo, a jednak w praktyce mają różne znaczenie i różne jest ich użycie. Oto kilka przykładów: CLOSE / SHUT można używać zamiennie jeżeli mówimy o zamykaniu drzwi oraz okien Please close the door. Please shut the door. I shut the window because the bugs were getting in. I closed the window because the bugs were getting in. […]