20 English collocations with the word BREAK

20 English collocations with the word BREAK


Break A Habit – stop doing the habit

Break A Bone / Break Your Arm – fracture a bone; injure yourself

Break A Leg! an idiomatic expression that means “Good luck!” – it is often used to wish someone good luck when they are going to perform

Break A Promise not do what you promised (the opposite is “keep a promise”)

Break A Record – perform better than the previous record

Break A Window make a crack or hole in the window

Break The Ice – initiate social interaction, especially in a situation where people are being shy and hesitant

Break Someone’s Heart – cause emotional pain or grief to a person who loves you

Break The Rules do something that is prohibited by a rule

Break The Law do something that is illegal; it is prohibited by law

Break The News To Someone tell someone some new information (often bad news)

Break Evenearn as much money as you spent, so the earning and spending cancel each other out and the result is 0

Break The Silence – make a noise, interrupting a period of silence

Break Loose – escape from a restraint or confinement

Break Wind this is an informal way to say “release intestinal gas”

Break Ground begin digging into the ground for a new construction project. A small ceremony is often done to commemorate this

Break New Ground – make progress into a new area; advance beyond previous achievements in an area

Break A Code figure out a secret code, so that you can understand the message

Break One’s Fall – lessen the impact of a falling person hitting the ground

Break The Mold – do something differently after it has been done the same way for a long time

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