Tęsknię za Tobą – jak powiedzieć po angielsku na 15 sposobów ?
I can’t wait to see you again. I wish you were here. I’ve been thinking of you. I hope I see you again. I’m counting the days until I see you again. I can’t stop thinking about you. All I do is think about you. You have been running through my head all night. I […]
FOOTBALL / SOCCER – słownictwo związane z piłką nożną
MATCH – two teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of football PITCH – the area of a field where footballers play a match REFEREE – the person who makes sure that the players follow the rules, usually wears a black shirt and shorts and has a whistle LINESMAN (referee’s assistant) – the person whose main duty it […]
4 angielskie wyrażenia, aby potwierdzić że się zgadzamy z czyjąś opinią
THAT’S RIGHT – Are you going to visit London this summer? – That’s right. THAT’S SPOT ON – How old do you think she is? – I’d say 21… – Spot on. I SUPPOSE SO (kiedy się zgadzasz ale nie jesteś całkowicie przekonany) – I suppose (that) you think that’s funny. – Well, I certainly don’t. ABSOLUTELY – It was an excellent film, though. – Absolutely! Dowiedz się więcej: […]
Jak uzasadnić fakt, czyli 10 przydatnych słów
Because – ponieważ I agree with you because you are completely right. Thus – tak więc Thus, the whole project cannot be implemented. It is late, and thus you must go. So – a więc She is not satisfied with our work, so we must prepare a new proposal. Thereby – tym samym He broke all the rules and thereby, he was expelled. Therefore – […]
25 sposobów, aby wyrazić opinię po angielsku
I would say that – powiedziałbym, że I would say that such a view is unacceptable. It seems to me that – wydaje mi się, że It seems to me that his arguments are difficult to prove. In my opinion – moim zdaniem In my opinion, it is not worth its price. I am of the opinion that – […]
Zgodzić się, czy nie zgodzić się? – po angielsku
to agree – zgadzać się I agree with you. to accept – akceptować I accept these arguments. to be correct – zgadzać się, być prawidłowym Your thinking is correct. to tally with – zgadzać się z It tallies with my calculations. be positive – być przekonanym He is positive that they did it. to confirm – potwierdzać I confirm his arguments. to approve […]
25 najczęściej używanych czasowników w języku angielskim
BE – być This is a cat. HAVE – mieć, posiadać I have two brothers and a sister. GET – dostawać, otrzymywać I got it from my friend. SEE – widzieć, zobaczyć (zauważyć) I can’t see anything. NEED – potrzebować, wymagać I really need it. KNOW – wiedzieć I don’t know what’s going on. FIND – znaleźć, odkryć I […]
THAN is used in comparatives: I’m younger than my sister. A motorbike is faster than a bicycle. I’d rather walk than drive there. THEN is used in several ways, for exapmle: – to describe the next event in a sequence – to mean “at that time” – to mean “in that case” First we went to the post offiece, and then we went to the park. (then = […]
10 English Idioms
to hang in there – to keep trying, don’t give up, be patient and things will eventually get better If someone is having difficulties or experiencing a bad situation, it is a good idea to tell them to hang in there. sth rocks / sth rules – sth is really great, awesome, wonderful My new job rocks! to blow someone away – sth completely amazed someone (to […]
20 ways to say YES
YES is used for telling someone that what they have said or asked is true or correct OK the most common way to say ‘yes’ and even the most frequently spoken and written word on the planet of course used for saying ‘yes’ very definitely, in answer to a question definitely used for emphasizing that you mean ‘yes’ naturally spoken used for saying ‘yes’, especially when that would be most people’s answer I don’t mind if I do a polite and humorous way of accepting something that is being offered to you you bet used for saying ‘yes’ in […]